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Alwin Rael
A servant at Arilyn's Palace.

Ander Corl
A bookmaker from Taien with a lost look in his eyes. He is married to Aril, and had a son and a daughter who were taken by the Shaido.

Ander Tol
A Cairhienin wagon driver who took Rand, Cadsuane, Samitsu, Niande, Darlin, Caraline and Min to the palace in Cairhien after the attack of the killer fog.

A cook's helper in the Sun Palace

Aril Corl
Hagard with worry lines on her face. A woman from Taien, she had a daughter and a son who were both taken by the Shaido when they destroyed the town. She is married to Ander, and is the younger sister of Tel.

Asan Sandair
Allegiance: Daes Dae'mar.
Title(s): Officer.

An officer with balding head that is shaved and powdered. A ledger keeper at the northern gatehouse of Cairhien before the civil war.

The servant of Lord Barthanes, and announcer at his last party.

Barin Madwin
A scheming trickster of a husband to Maglin, until he died and left her his inn and his brother, the money. From Cairhien, he was married for 23 years.

Allegiance: The Light.

A farmer who lives near Tremonsien. His horse is called Nisa.

Betse Silvin
Beautiful. She is short and slim with dark eyes and pale cheeks. Her hair is black and curled, hanging to her shoulders. She could talk the ears off a s'redit, hardly stopping for breath. She is a serving maid at the Golden Stag inn in Maerone.

Mat had a few dances with her the day before he left Maerone.

Boreane Carivin
Small, stout and pale, she heads the Cairhienin servants in Illian serving Rand .

An apprentice to Kin Tovere.

A serving girl at The Nine Rings inn in Tremonsien. She can be clumsy when mooning over a boy.

Cera Doinal
A serving woman in the Sun Palace. She brought the news of Dobraine's 'death'.

A person in Cairhien who was pregnant. Mentioned in passing.

Corgaide Marendevin
Title(s): Holder of the Keys.

Grey haired and grave of face. She runs the Sun Palace and it's servants in Cairhien.

Daerid Ondin
Allegiance: The Light, Mat Cauthon.
Title(s): Captain of infantry, Band of the Red Hand.

Pale and slender, half a head shorter than Mat with hard eyes and a nose broken many times. He has three white scars on his face and may be the age of forty. He is a soldier through and through, with the front of his head shaved.

Allegiance: The Light, Thom Merrilin.

Slender young woman who was taught juggling and playing by Thom Merrilin whom she fell in love with. Was good enough to be a court bard one day.

She was killed by an assassin of King Galldrian who was looking for Thom.

An armsman of Bertome's from the Colchaine estate. Gapped toothed with seamed scars on both cheeks.

Eldrid Methin
A cook in the Sun Palace.

A worker at The Bunch of Grapes. She gave away Thom's location to those that killed Dena.

Elricain Tavolin
Allegiance: King Galldrian.
Title(s): Officer.

An officer under Aldrin Caldevwin, with his head shaved and powdered. He escorted Rand to Cairhien from Tremonsien.

The blacksmith who made some knives for Dena which were never collected.

A serving girl at The Nine Rings inn in Tremonsien.

An apprentice to Kin Tovere.

A cook's helper in the Sun Palace.

Maglin Madwin
Favorite Saying: Everyone has their place.

Innkeeper of The Nine Rings inn in Tremonsien - just south of Kinslayer's dagger. A lean woman with a long nose and greying hair. She has a wrinkled smile but quick eyes and a spotless white apron.

Originally from Lugard, she was married to Barin for 23 years, before he died and left her the inn and no money. She is said to be tight fisted.

Allegiance: The Light.

The attendant of Colavaere who knew too much of her plans, and died for the knowledge.

The owner of the boat that took Perrin across the Alguenya River in the chase for Rand.

Mistress Beldair
A plump chief cook in the Sun Palace.

Mistress Daelvin
The Innkeeper of The Golden Stag, the second best inn in the centre of Maerone. A small and round woman with wispy grey hair in a bun. She has a stick under her skirts for any man who is giving trouble.

Mother Caredwain
Title(s): Mother.

Healing woman in Tremonsien.

Short for a cairhienin and skinny. He has grey hair and a long face. The subdued serving man to Talmanes who can't stop complaining in a mornful voice. He is a hamfisted seamstress.

Allegiance: The Light, Mat.
Favorite Saying: You have beautiful eyes.

As high as Mat's waist at about nine years old. He has a sullen look, and is ugly. A squashed nose, a mouth too wide and ears that are way too big and stick out. His father was killed by Shaido, and his mother died of sickness. He is very proud and independant.

He was given to a woman in Maerone to be looked after but she was only interested in the money that went with it, so he stowed away with the Band of the Red Hand and helped Master Burdin to feed, water and brush his horses for food and shelter. A job he loved as it allowed him near horses.

Mat discovered him, gave him a horse to ride and has kept him close ever since, becoming a surrogate father. The influence of army men around him has not always been useful. Although he did win some horse races on Wind in Altara. He went missing in Ebou Dar just as the Seanchan invaded, but was soon found again. He was last seen leaving Ebou Dar with Nerim, Lopin and the redarms.

Title(s): Bannerman for the Dragon Reborn.

An expressionless man with a narrow face, that has a red scar from jaw to hairline. An ex-farmer, his wife and sister died of famine, his brother and son died in the civil war. Another son was killed by Andoran soldiers and his second brother was killed by bandits. His last son died at the hands of the Shaido who carried off his daughter.

He carried the Aes Sedai banner for Rand with the belief that he would get revenge doing so. He rode an old brown mule and very rarely said anything. Carrying the banner to Caemlyn he was killed with a trolloc spear through him.

Attendant to Colavaere when she was a Queen.

Allegiance: Money.

Owner and Manager of a performance hall in the Forgate of Cairhien where Thom performed.

Tal Nethin
Gaunt cheeked and grey haired, with a deeply creased face. He was a saddle maker in Taien until the Shaido came and destroyed the town. He made the sword handle and scabbard for Rand's current sword. He tripped on a stone and broke his neck while travelling with Rand in Cairhien.
His sister is Aril.

Allegiance: The Light.

Slightly plump. The innkeeper of The Great Tree inn in Cairhien, she has known Verin for many years.

Allegiance: The Light, Her Friends.

Innkeeper of The Bunch of Grapes in the Foregate of Cairhien with dark skin and white hair. She has known Thom Merrilin for many years and believed he should settle down. She also believes people should pay for what they break.

This site was created and is maintained by Marek Mercury.